How is Adsense different from Double Click or Admob?

Monetizing your website can be an unfriendly maze for inexperienced publishers to navigate.  After all, your expertise as a publisher means you’ve mastered the skill of driving traffic to your site with unique and valuable content, optimal SEO, and perhaps a bit of luck if some of that content has gone viral.


  • AdSense is a publisher network that allows almost any publisher to signup. Google AdWords is the biggest buyer network on the AdSense network.
  • Doubleclick is subsidiary of Google, which develops and provides Internet ad serving services. Their biggest products are DFA (Doubleclick for Advertisers) and DFP (Doubleclick For Publishers).
  • AdMob is essentially a mobile ad network also owned by Google. They allow app developers to monetize their apps and also promote them.

When Most publishers take the plunge into monetizing that traffic, the default choice in the industry is to slap on some Google Adsense ad tags and let Google’s algorithms figure out the rest.  By doing so you set your ads on cruise control while you take care of doing what you do best: being a publisher.  But as your site gains more momentum and traffic grows, it becomes apparent that you’re leaving money on the table by using Adsense exclusively.

In layman's terms: 

  • AdSense is where you make money for your blog or website.( Think Blogmytuts)
  • Doubleclick is a big advertising company that works with the biggest advertisers and publishers. (Think a TV Network)
  • AdMob allows mobile developers to make money by selling ads via their SDK.(Think Flappy Bird)
Adsense is essentially for small to medium sized publishes looking to monetize their website. Doubleclick's publisher products interface with AdSense directly e.g. via backfill.

Roughly you should think of these products in Web vs Mobile World. Here is a simplistic view.

Note how AdMob is both acting as a publisher ad network and also a buying ad network. Imagine the Flappy Bird when get viral how many million did the dev earned.

Google Ad Exchange is Google’s premium version of Adsense. Google representative to distinguish between Adsense and AdX, the analogy he made was “driving an automatic vs. a stick shift.”  Adsense is the automatic and AdX is the stick shift.  As any driver knows, a manual transmission, though it requires a  lot more work, lends a driver far more control and power than does an automatic.  All  Forumla One cars and Ferraris, for instance, have manual transmissions.

So when it’s time for your site to take a step up from Adsense, you’ll need to turn off cruise control and take charge of the wheel.  There’s simply no way to maximize profits from your site without adding more effort and control to your ad program, but the results can be extremely rewarding.

So just how exactly do you take more control of your ad impressions with AdX?  AdX performs on a higher technology than Adsense, and here are some of its distinguishing features:

  •     The ability to create CPM floors for certain ad slots
  •     Ad blocking by URL and categories
  •     Control over cookies and advertisers’ ability to re-target ads
  •     Access to premium advertisers that do not advertise through Adsense
  •     Earn 85% of Ad Exchange Revenues
  •     Net 30 Payments
  •     24/7 Customer Service
  •     Could earn you $1,000’s more.
  •     Decreased Risk of Google Ban**

All these features add up to more revenues for you the publisher.  Once you take control of the wheel higher revenues will soon follow.

 image credits :totalmonetize

Qualifying sites with 5 million or more monthly pageviews.
 Even if banned by Google, with Ad Exchange you will still get your last month’s payment. With Adsense you will not receive that payment.

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